Swami Devakant
Swami Devakant

beloved of existence

Welcome dear Shakti, dear Shiva. Namasté
Thanks for your interest in Vijnana Bhairava Tantra / Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. Please enjoy! Dance, celebrate and spread love & freedom.
For music, please visit devakant.com, thanks.
Swami Devakant, Beloved of Existence

Bhairavi Bhairava

Bhairava (or Bhairav, Shiva) is the Absolute Reality in the non-dualist tradition/school of Kashmiri Shaivism.

Bhairavi & Bhairava are ONE
(the nature of body&mind is enlightened) and
Bhairav' is questioned by his beloved Bhairavi to reveal the essence of "how to experience Bhairava, the Absolute Reality".

In his answers Bhairava unveils one hundred and twelve fantastic meditation methods, 112 ways to enter into the transcendental state of consciousness immediately.

Please read the texts (here) carefully with an open mind and do NOT rely on the texts but experience their effect and rely on your immediate experience of awakening when applying the methods. Thank you.

Vijnana Bhairava Tantra

The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra is a very old oral tradition (of about 6,000 years) that has been passed on in the very pure form of immediate experience from an experienced master to a dedicated student (from a Shakti to a Shiva) and - in the next generation - from that Shiva to Shakti, and so on and on.
Not too long ago the oral tradition has as well been written down carefully in 163 Sanskrit stanzas. They cover one hundred and twelve Dharana, 112 tantric meditation methods, in the form of a lively discourse between the goddess Bhairavi & god Bhairav', Lord Shiva.

To discover the Absolute Reality ourselves, we best try these 112 methods one after another (for at least 10 consecutive days each) at least once to experience their effect and then choose a method
or - for those of us who have experienced the meditation methods already - we repeat it to immediately experience Absolute Reality.

So, practice and call-up. Anywhere. Anytime. Quite a large number of these methods will suit us so perfectly that we can easily call-up their effect anywhere and anytime, as if we were in the middle of our setting with the Tantra Master.

Thank you for your visit and come back soon.


Swami Devakant, Beloved of Existence
Devakant VigyanBhairavaTantra ShivaShakti Kaula Kula Trika Spanda Meditation Massage Samadhi Matsyendranath Mantra Kundalini Chamunda Kali Stillness Stille Mindfulness Attentiveness Achtsamkeit ParvathiNandaNath SkyDancing TouchOfTantra MannFrauSymphonie Jahrestraining PersoenlichkeitsTraining Heart Herz Chakra Nadabrama Gournishankar YabYum Vereinigung